We can all agree that anxiety is a very normal response to stressful life events, like moving or changing jobs, but when symptoms become larger than the events that triggered them, it can become debilitating.

Here are the most common symptoms of anxiety:
Excessive and persistent worry
Difficult Concentrating
Trouble Falling or Staying Asleep.
Learning how to practice natural ways to reduce anxiety can improve overall well-being and quality of life:
Exercise Often
It is a well-known and science backed fact that exercise can help to ease anxiety on so many levels. It can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Helping you to feel better mentally and physically.
Go to bed Early
If you aren’t getting enough sleep or good quality sleep, you have much higher chances of struggling with anxiety.
Practice good nighttime habits and try to get to bed at an early hour. Avoiding bright lights, stimulating activities and your phone before going to bed.
Eating a balanced Diet
If your diet worsens after eating, check your eating habits. Keep hydrated, eliminate processed foods, and eat a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables.
Avoiding sugary foods and drinks as excessive sugar consumption can impact your mood.
Research indicates that foods naturally rich in magnesium may help a person to feel calmer, so add leafy green such as spinach and Swiss chard to your diet.
Go Outside
Nearly half of the population is deficient in Vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin is an essential nutrient when dealing with symptoms of anxiety and depression.Typically, 15 to 20 minutes of direct sunlight two to three days a week is all you need for your body to make sufficient vitamin D. If you were to supplement with Vitamin D in the winter the max amount to supplement with if you do not have a known deficiency and are not being monitored by a physician is 2000 IUs.
Much like how exercise can help with the symptoms of anxiety. Mindful physical activities such as Tai Chi and yoga can also greatly benefit those with anxiety! Journaling is also a well-known therapy for anxiety as it allows you to get all of your thoughts out onto paper. You could also practice breathing techniques that are meant to calm the mind and lower the heart rate, helping you to achieve a state of peace and mindfulness in your day.
Acupuncture works by creating a calming effect on the mind and body, as well as helping with an overactive fight or flight response.
Is a natural way to treat anxiety, and it does so quickly, effectively, and powerfully. Acupuncture leaves the body and mind calm and relaxed, triggering the brain to release the body’s feel good hormone, endorphin.
If you need healing, we are here for you, come get some acupuncture, and let us help you feel better.